1. 將Quectel EC25 USB LTE Modem接入Raspberry Pi
2. 輸入 sudo apt-get update 做更新
3. 輸入 sudo apt-get install rpi-update 做安裝更新
4. 輸入 sudo rpi-update 更新kernel
5. 輸入 sudo reboot 重新開機
6. 重新開機後輸入 ls /dev 檢查是否有ttyUSB3出現(註解: Data Port: ttyUSB3, AT Command Port: ttyUSB2)
7. 如有ttyUSB3出現,ppp-creator.sh內容放到你的Raspberry pi
#!/bin/sh echo "install ppp" apt-get install ppp echo "creating directories" mkdir -p /etc/ppp/peers echo "creating script file : /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-connect" echo " ABORT \"BUSY\" ABORT \"NO CARRIER\" ABORT \"NO DIALTONE\" ABORT \"ERROR\" ABORT \"NO ANSWER\" TIMEOUT 30 \"\" AT OK ATE0 OK ATI;+CSUB;+CSQ;+CPIN?;+COPS?;+CGREG?;&D2 # Insert the APN provided by your network operator, default apn is $1 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"\\T\",,0,0 OK ATD*99# CONNECT" > /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-connect echo "creating script file : /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-disconnect" echo " ABORT \"ERROR\" ABORT \"NO DIALTONE\" SAY \"\nSending break to the modem\n\" \"\" +++ \"\" +++ \"\" +++ SAY \"\nGoodbay\n\"" > /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-disconnect echo "creating script file : /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp" echo " /dev/$2 115200 user \"\" password \"\" # The chat script, customize your APN in this file connect 'chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-connect -T $1' # The close script disconnect 'chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-disconnect' # Hide password in debug messages hide-password # The phone is not required to authenticate noauth # Debug info from pppd debug # If you want to use the LTE link as your gateway defaultroute # pppd must not propose any IP address to the peer noipdefault # No ppp compression novj novjccomp noccp ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote local # Hardware flow control nocrtscts remotename 3gppp ipparam 3gppp ipcp-max-failure 30 # Ask the peer for up to 2 DNS server addresses usepeerdns" > /etc/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp echo "\n\nUse \"sudo pppd call quectel-ppp\" command and go internet"
8. 輸入 chmod +x ./ppp-creator.sh
9. 輸入 sudo ./ppp-creator.sh INTERNET ttyUSB3 (註解: INTERNET為你的APN)
10. 輸入sudo pppd call quectel-ppp persist 使用PPP連線上網且設定為持續連線,從ifconfig就可以看到ppp0起來,此時再輸入 sudo ip route add dev ppp0 代表著所有封包都走ppp0出去
11. 如果你想斷線PPP,可以輸入 killall pppd